Disposition Screen (Call Completed)

Custom Call Dispositions

Looking at an agent’s view of a Scriptagon call script, you will see at the very bottom of the script a set of disposition buttons. How these buttons are displayed, the number of buttons, and actions that they perform can all be defined by you. These will be used by the agent to disposition the final status of the call.

For example: If the call got sent to an answering machine, when clicked; this would end the call and send the appropriate disposition code to your call platform. Your call platform would then log the call to your database.

Once the call has ended, the script view changes to the disposition screen. The script will stay parked on the disposition screen until your dialing platform sends a new call to the agent. In cases where the agent is controlling the dialing manually, they would be returned to the call screen upon the start of the next call when the agent manually dials the next lead.

API and Database Integration

At the end of a call, whether it resulted in a sale or some other disposition, all the data points from the interaction that the agent had with the customer can be stored in your database, or posted to an API. That API (Application Programming Interface) could be your partner’s intake portal (the partner that may be buying these leads from you). It could also be your own API that you use to do further processing of this lead.

The Scriptagon Dynamic Script is very flexible, and can be integrated and modified to suit many, many applications. Check out the video for a visual walkthrough.

Call Screen (Agent View)