Dynamic Interactive Scripts

Generate scripts specific to each of your campaigns and leads by pulling information on-the-fly from any data source.


Dynamic Interactive Scripts

Generate scripts specific to each of your campaigns and leads by pulling information on-the-fly from any data source.


Easy way to deploy dynamic interactive scripts.

Every day the average marketer spends over an hour putting together or revising sales scripts. Most of the time, these scripts don't give clear directions on how their agents should rebuttal a customer response -- or worse, the script cannot be tailored to the specific lead or campaign at all. Scriptagon, which inserts decision making logic into your scripts, is a game-changer here.

Just select a customer response to a question, and then enter the follow-up question (or questions) that should be asked based on that response. For example: "IF customer responds Yes, THEN show additional questions for upsells".

Scriptagon, which pulls information from all your data sources, allows you to tailor your script to each campaign as well as each lead. Just select what lead or campaign attributes you want displayed in your scripts, and those specific details will be displayed to your agents during the call.

Response details of each interaction including what specific branch questions were asked and customers responses to them are codified, and can be logged. You can use these to measure and compare the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Agent call view
Branch logic editor
Data fields editor

Scriptagon makes it easy for you to create interactive branching scripts that can be used within your call platform

Easily branch scripts in response to customer responses or queries using the Scriptagon dynamic logic engine. Simple to construct and understand "if this, then do that" statements, allow you to define clear rebuttals for even the most complex interactions.
Display customized content based on real-time data pulled from your data sources or the call information itself. Use this to craft unique interactions with each of your customers in each campaign.

Customize scipts by campaign, by team, or by agent. Enables A/B testing, and soft testing of scripts before pushing live to entire production floor.
Use the drag-and-drop editor to manage and publish your scripts. Re-arranging of script content is made easy in Scriptagon. When content is re-organized, the decision logic stays attached to your new layout, so all branching still works!
All interaction details including what specific branch questions were asked and customers responses can be logged. Use these to measure and compare the effectiveness of your campaigns.
Scriptagon is web-based and integrates with your call platform using HTTP. Your custom scripts can contain any standard HTML or javascript, and will pull lead and campaign attributes you have specified from pre-defined internal or external API's or connected databases.
Disposition your calls based on either the campaign or lead type, or any combination of attributes defined during the call. Custom disposition codes can be used to determine call routing, or data posting.
Route interaction data directly to internal or externa API's or databases using your pre-defined rules. Post data can be sent as an HTTP request in any format or saved to a database.
Scriptagon is highly scaleable and limited only by the number of instances you have subscribed for. Scale up or down from a single instance to thousands depending on your needs.